Board index Predator Technical Discussion Predator GM Gas Org. tuning file U7194

Org. tuning file U7194

Predator support for GM gas vehicles

Moderators: mikel, 06MonteSS, Vas@Diablosport, JonDiablosport

Post Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:19 am

Posts: 10
Sometime ago I tuned my Camaro 2010 with the U7194. Saved a file to laptop and then sold laptop? ! "stupid". My question is. I think I updated it too but is the stock/org. file still on the Predator so I can revert to stock ? And can I use this with a mac or do I have to get another windows pc ? If I try to attempt to revert to stock will it still have the tune file so I can at least start it if the stock fails or how can I check if it is on there still ? I am a bit nervous about trying to flash the system with nothing there if you what I mean? Or is it a failsafe and it warns me if there is nothing to write? Where I am living the Camaro is known at least now but the workshops are so far behind and they can´t handle these cars yet."sad" I know but my only alternative if it doesn't :? :? work is for the car to be picked up from a shop that is a couple of hundred miles away.Thanks for your time. :? :? :)

Post Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:31 am

Posts: 45076
Location: DiabloSport World Headquarters

the file is still on the tool.

dsdl is windows based....not mac friendly.

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