Board index Predator Technical Discussion Predator GM Gas 2008 silverado - your calibration is not supported

2008 silverado - your calibration is not supported

Predator support for GM gas vehicles

Moderators: mikel, 06MonteSS, Vas@Diablosport, JonDiablosport

Posts: 3
Haven't used my predator in 3 years, have had no reason too since I've been satisfied with everything. My truck went in for service last week because one day I was driving and the engine shut off as if I had turned the ignition key off (it didn't slowly die, just off all of a sudden), and Chevy wound up replacing my ECM. I tried hooking the Predator back up and got a "your calibration is not supported" and then a list of numbers for all the CALIDs (I think) that aren't supported. It listed basically everything, engine, PCM, transmission, et cet. Updated my predator (it's an old one) to crom U7194-9r10 successfully since I found on this forum that this is the last file that will work on such an old Predator due to the file size. Update appeared to have taken, it shows 9r10 on the home screen on the device, but I'm still getting a "your calibration is not supported" error.

Am I hosed due to Chevy changing out the ECM? Honestly, I dislike everything about the way this truck drives after 3 years of driving with the predator tune.


Posts: 45076
Location: DiabloSport World Headquarters

yeah, thats a tough spot.

Try loading the attached version :)
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Posts: 1
Did you ever find a solution? I also tried loading later firmware, but I already have the latest version and the predator is not downgradable. Thank you.

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